Thursday, November 6, 2014

Student Feature : Shannon Taylor <------ This Is Her Fashion Blog Check It Out! It's Amazing! 

    At UCO I am enrolled in a Video Field Production class.  Basically it's a class where we learn how to shoot interviews and we do feature story projects.  I was lucky enough to have a girl named Shannon Taylor, (who is also in my blogging class this semester) in this class.  

     As I began talking with  Shannon I could tell she was interested in fashion just by the way she is always dressed.  For my Video Field assignment I did a feature story on Shannon about her passion and love for fashion.  She gave me many of her own fashion tips and ideas as well as an insight on her favorite magazines and designers.  Vogue and NYLON are just a couple of her favorite magazines.  

     Shannon also has a fashion blog she enjoys.  Her blog is unique in many ways.  From titling all her posts with song lyrics to all her different fashion photos, her blog is one of a kind.  As I interviewed her for this feature I immediately could tell fashion was important to her.  It was very easy for me to do a feature on her because I could tell fashion was an easy subject for her to talk about.  After shooting her feature I tagged along with her to Goodwill, and browsed for some pieces there.  Shooting Shannon's feature taught me that when you are really inspired by something go for it and make it your passion!  I guess you do learn something new everyday! 

That's All She Wrote- Rayven Boone 

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