Thursday, September 11, 2014


     Finding time to fit in a good workout in between school/ work or whatever else can be tough. Everyone workout doesn't have to be spending hours and hours in the gym everyday. You can even workout at home if you want to. 

     To me the most important thing about working out is to simple get out, get active, and get moving.  Oh, and make it fun! Don't make working out and exercising a chore or job, make it a hobby!  There are some easy ways and simple workouts that can help burn fat, build muscle, and burn calories!  Some of these seem pretty basic but they're easy to do and quick! 

    Going for a nice job or a brisk walk around the block for about 20 minute or longer is a great way to exercise and relieve stress.  Walking is good for the whole body and works to tone and shape your legs and booty! As simple as it sounds is as simple as it is! Go at your own pace and stop for a breather or a drink whenever you need!   ( My boyfriend's parents have been walking around the block 3 times (about 1.5 miles every week night for the past couple weeks and his dad has already lost 18 pounds and his mother has lost 10, just by walking!

2.  BIKE 
    If you are like me and hate running with a passion a great way to tone up is working out on the bike. Start pedaling and add some resistance and before you know it you will be feeling the burn! Biking burns a lot of calories and isn't very hard your knees or legs.  Turn on some good music and get to it, before you know it you will have already rode a mile! 


Find some of your favorite exercises that work different parts of your body for example: body weight squats (any type of equating), crunches, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, 
 or whatever you like to do.  I learned the other day that working more than one targeted muscle one day at a time is better then spending one day working one muscle  For example instead of having just leg day, do some leg exercises and mix in some shoulders, or biceps and back. Oh and throw in some abs! 


 Dance is one of my passions! Whether its ballet, tap, jazz , or my favorite hip-hop dancing is a great workout! You can even do this at home! Turn on your favorite pandora station and get grooving! Dancing works all parts of your body and is great for you abs! It's an easy way to burn a lot of calories and can be very fun! Zumba Fitness is an excellent way to fit in a great workout! If you stay the whole class which is usually just an 45minutes to an hour, you can burn up to 800 calories!  

 Just a little tip! Adding weights or weight lifting to your workout can be a lot more effective than just doing cardio all day every day. 
 Just thought I would share a few of my favorites ways to get a quick little workout in between work, school, and everything else! Most importantly get moving and stay active! 

I feel like these are just a few easy ways or working out and can be fun and effective! I plan on posting some other time different workouts that are good for you when you are not so busy or have more than 20-30 minutes to fit in a great workout! 

Thats all she wrote - Rayven Boone 


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