Thursday, September 25, 2014

     Music is a big part of my life.  It's everywhere! I love all different kinds of music and I thought it would be fun to post my top 10 favorite throwback songs every thursday for a little bit, or a throwback picture! Feel free to comment your favorite throwback songs as well :) This is this weeks top 10 of my favorite throwback jams
Thats all she wrote -Rayven Boone

1. It's Gonna Be Me- N'SYNC
2.  Ridin' Dirty - Chamillionaire  
3. Stacy's Mom- Fountains of Wayne
4. I Want It That Way- Backstreet Boys
5. When We Die- Bowling For Soup
6. Low- Flo Rida
7. Run It- Chris Brown
8. Let Me Love You- Mario
9. Blurry- Puddle of Mudd
10. Stronger- Britney Spears

Thursday, September 18, 2014


      This time in September means one thing....IT'S STATE FAIR TIME!   If you love rides, a good atmosphere, shopping, games, anything edible "on a stick," and so much then head out the State Fair grounds for the Oklahoma State Fair.

This was Monday night at the fair with two of my friends Kayla and Shelbi.  If you can't tell from this picture we were pretty excited to be there.

The first thing I do every time I go to the fair is get a jumbo, footlong corn dog.  A fair classic and a golden brown, hand dipped snack of deliciousness on a stick! Even though it is $6.00 it's totally worth it and the fair only comes once a year. 

 These are my two friends Kayla and Shelbi on one of the rides.  I am horrified of heights and rides so I thought it was better to take pictures and hold their things than get on a ride!  

We all had a great time Monday at the fair, and I had another great time Wednesday night as well! 

That's all she wrote - Rayven Boone

Thursday, September 11, 2014


     Finding time to fit in a good workout in between school/ work or whatever else can be tough. Everyone workout doesn't have to be spending hours and hours in the gym everyday. You can even workout at home if you want to. 

     To me the most important thing about working out is to simple get out, get active, and get moving.  Oh, and make it fun! Don't make working out and exercising a chore or job, make it a hobby!  There are some easy ways and simple workouts that can help burn fat, build muscle, and burn calories!  Some of these seem pretty basic but they're easy to do and quick! 

    Going for a nice job or a brisk walk around the block for about 20 minute or longer is a great way to exercise and relieve stress.  Walking is good for the whole body and works to tone and shape your legs and booty! As simple as it sounds is as simple as it is! Go at your own pace and stop for a breather or a drink whenever you need!   ( My boyfriend's parents have been walking around the block 3 times (about 1.5 miles every week night for the past couple weeks and his dad has already lost 18 pounds and his mother has lost 10, just by walking!

2.  BIKE 
    If you are like me and hate running with a passion a great way to tone up is working out on the bike. Start pedaling and add some resistance and before you know it you will be feeling the burn! Biking burns a lot of calories and isn't very hard your knees or legs.  Turn on some good music and get to it, before you know it you will have already rode a mile! 


Find some of your favorite exercises that work different parts of your body for example: body weight squats (any type of equating), crunches, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, 
 or whatever you like to do.  I learned the other day that working more than one targeted muscle one day at a time is better then spending one day working one muscle  For example instead of having just leg day, do some leg exercises and mix in some shoulders, or biceps and back. Oh and throw in some abs! 


 Dance is one of my passions! Whether its ballet, tap, jazz , or my favorite hip-hop dancing is a great workout! You can even do this at home! Turn on your favorite pandora station and get grooving! Dancing works all parts of your body and is great for you abs! It's an easy way to burn a lot of calories and can be very fun! Zumba Fitness is an excellent way to fit in a great workout! If you stay the whole class which is usually just an 45minutes to an hour, you can burn up to 800 calories!  

 Just a little tip! Adding weights or weight lifting to your workout can be a lot more effective than just doing cardio all day every day. 
 Just thought I would share a few of my favorites ways to get a quick little workout in between work, school, and everything else! Most importantly get moving and stay active! 

I feel like these are just a few easy ways or working out and can be fun and effective! I plan on posting some other time different workouts that are good for you when you are not so busy or have more than 20-30 minutes to fit in a great workout! 

Thats all she wrote - Rayven Boone 


Thursday, September 4, 2014


      Out of all the seasons and times of the year Fall/Autumn is my absolute favorite! There are so many great things about this season that I have come up with a list of my favorite things about fall.

1. Colors

With Orange being my favorite color no wonder Fall is my favorite season, but also the yellows, and reds of the trees and leaves changing is just so pretty to me. I feel like all the colors of fall go so well together especially while the sun is shining on them!

2.  Clothes

To me, Fall calls for comfy and cute clothes all season long! Knit sweaters, hoodies, boots, jackets, scarfs, and leggings just to name a few! I can't wait to see some of the new and latest fall fashions this season.

3. Weather
Fall weather and temperatures are perfect! No fierce cold or below freezing temperatures and no triple digit and scorching hot days! Fall temperatures seem to be around the 60's and 70's which I find perfect! It's still warm but not to warm to feel sweaty, gross, and miserable being outside.

4. Sports
Although I am not a huge fan of football, fall is the start of college football, not to mention college football is huge in the state of Oklahoma. You've got OU and OSU playing almost every weekend which is the perfect time to be at games or even host your own watch party! Not only does college football start but NBA starts around October/November and if you are from Oklahoma you know that means it's time for Thunder Basketball!

5. Drinks/Food
Fall calls for warm drinks including hot cocoa in many flavors, pumpkin spiced lattes, as well as pumpkin bread and cookies, and of course pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving....Yummy!

6. Holidays

  • Halloween calls for lots of candy, costume parties, passing out candy, and looking at all the cute trick-or-treaters, and not to mention all the haunted houses to visit! 
  •  Thanksgiving being one of my favorite holidays happens in the fall.  The Macy's parade on thanksgiving morning,  the food, the long nap after you eat, needless to say I love Thanksgiving! 

 7. TV Shows
     There are always new seasons of everyones favorite shows starting again in the fall, and always a variety of new shows and series airing during this time of year.  Red Band Society is a new show coming out september and I'm excited to see it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

       School has started back and everyone is trying to get back into a certain routine.  If school doesn't keep you busy enough try having to work and go to school at the same time.   One of the harvests things for me to get back to when school starts is getting organized and staying up everything.   With being enrolled in 15 hours of school and 25+ hours of work a week, you can easily get tired out.  So I've come up with a list of tips to do to keep you staying on task and keeping organized while juggling more than one thing at a time during a business school year.

1. Don't Stress (try not to is more like it)
Everyone is busy and more than likely in the same boat as you. You are NOT alone. If you are feeling overwhelmed text a friend. Chances are they are feeling the same way too.
2. Pray.
When you wake up, or while in the shower, or before you go to sleep at night.  Its amazing what prayer can do.
3. Keep a Planner
If you are forgetful about remembers assignments, dates, times, and schedules buy a planner! Most planners are fairly cheap and affordable and their are several different styles you can choose from.
4. Have a snack
I speak for myself when i say I'm an emotional eater, but when I'm stressed or in a hurry I always try to have snack or something to drink to relax me or give me energy throughout the day.  Also having a snack can keep you going and feeling fresh.
5. Sleep/Rest
It's pretty hard to find time to sleep while juggling school/work, etc.  However if you get some free time between school and work or whatever is going on take a nap! A 10-15 minute power nap is the way to go!