Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Eating Healthy Can Be Easy! Ugh. Yeah Right. 

My Tuesday Rant
      Eating healthy while working and going to school is easy...so they say.  Do these people who say this have a job or 5 classes to worry about? Probably not.  One of my main goals is to try and eat healthy and have a balanced diet period.  It's impossible to do so when you're a broke college kid.  When you're in college, unless you have parents who just give you money just because, you are forced to eat cheap.  Cheap almost never means healthy. 
       Rather it be ramen noodles, frozen pizza, or fast food you have to eat something.  Eating healthy requires you to eat some vegetables, fruit, whole grains, etc.  But who can afford that for every meal? I will never understand why organic, or fresh food is way more expensive than the so called "trash or junk food" we eat.  
        I both work and go to school and having to try and eat healthy in between work and school is a struggle.  Everyone says everything is bad for you so you might as well eat what you want, and workout.  Whoever said this was on point.  Everything we eat that isn't expensive or all natural or organic, is considered horrible for you.  People ate it back then and are still living good healthy lives so obviously its not going to kill you to eat a Digorno or a cookie every once in a while.  I am just so tired of hearing people say it's easy to eat healthy when your busy, maybe it is for some but definitely not for a broke college kid on a budget. The struggle continues.....

Thats All She Wrote - Rayven Boone 

1 comment:

  1. The most screwed up thing bout it is this. Fresh produce costs more, and is of poorer quality in inner city neighborhoods. It is actually cheaper for rich people from Edmond to buy fresh produce than for me to get it off NW 23rd & Penn. Now this seems weird right? But even worse it's not company versus company comparisons. One business will do this with chain locations. One Buy For Less in a black neighborhood will have poorer quality produce sold at a greater cost than a Buy For Less in an upper middle class white neighborhood. Wal-Mart's do it to. They do this because they stereotype poor people and minorities as having bad eating habits, so expecting they will sell less, and the clientele will have lower expectations, you or I get shit for produce unless we drive across town. Talk to Dr. Summer Cowan on campus, she'll give you information on this subject that will piss you off.
