Thursday, October 23, 2014


I read and shared this from Facebook and couldn't believe how accurate it was, so I decided to post it on here and add somethings to it. 

  1. Names- As you go through college there are people everywhere.  You see yourself wondering things like whose that girl that sits behind me in that one class? Whose that guy thats always wearing that shirt? You identify people by their appearance than rather their name until you get to know them or figure out their name.  Maybe you are not as good with names as you thought. 
  2. Walking- You have been walking every since you were a toddler in your early years of life.  Most people say walking is easy and you don't even think about it while you're doing it. While in college it seems like all you do is walk. walk to class, walk to your car, and repeat everyday.  But no matter how much or how fast you walk you always seem to be right on time or more than likely LATE.
  3. Too Many Clothes- When you first begin college as a freshman most girls wanna make good impressions on teachers and students.  No matter how many clothes you think you have you have brought too many. (I personally think you can never pack too much) In high school the issue is always wanting to have cute clothes, but in college its do I have enough t shirts and sweatpants?  No one cares in college and I'm lucky if I even do my hair for class.  There is no motivation to dress up in college unless you have to for a presentation.  
  4. Getting Sick-  Parents always told me I would get sick more than I normally do when I didn't live at home.  I have been more sick while in school than my whole life probably.  Why? I don't know. I eat, and I take care of myself best I can, but it seems like theres always something wrong rather it be a cough, cold, fever, or the plague, you always seem to get sick more when in school. 
  5. Wifi problems-  Free Wifi is always advertised on campus. Let's just say there is no such thing.  Just because things are free doesn't mean they work.  Nobody ever said that your computer would connect to it.  They're are so many things to worry about in college as far as doing online homework, printing papers, writing assignments, emails, etc. You can't do any of those things on campus if there isn't wifi.  

The list could go on and on.  That's all she wrote- Rayven Boone

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Eating Healthy Can Be Easy! Ugh. Yeah Right. 

My Tuesday Rant
      Eating healthy while working and going to school is they say.  Do these people who say this have a job or 5 classes to worry about? Probably not.  One of my main goals is to try and eat healthy and have a balanced diet period.  It's impossible to do so when you're a broke college kid.  When you're in college, unless you have parents who just give you money just because, you are forced to eat cheap.  Cheap almost never means healthy. 
       Rather it be ramen noodles, frozen pizza, or fast food you have to eat something.  Eating healthy requires you to eat some vegetables, fruit, whole grains, etc.  But who can afford that for every meal? I will never understand why organic, or fresh food is way more expensive than the so called "trash or junk food" we eat.  
        I both work and go to school and having to try and eat healthy in between work and school is a struggle.  Everyone says everything is bad for you so you might as well eat what you want, and workout.  Whoever said this was on point.  Everything we eat that isn't expensive or all natural or organic, is considered horrible for you.  People ate it back then and are still living good healthy lives so obviously its not going to kill you to eat a Digorno or a cookie every once in a while.  I am just so tired of hearing people say it's easy to eat healthy when your busy, maybe it is for some but definitely not for a broke college kid on a budget. The struggle continues.....

Thats All She Wrote - Rayven Boone 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Media Ethics Conference at UCO 

Last Wednesday I attended the Media Ethics Conference and listened to local news anchors and directors from around the Oklahoma City area.  I attended the Ethics in Broadcasting session and really got to see the other side of news.  When giving the news I learned that many stations don't support in "sanitizing" the news.   A news directors told us that when it comes to graphic images they try and use their best judgement on how much to show viewers, while trying to put out as much content possible without being too graphic.  They said it is better to show more than less, but depending on the story or situation they take it case by case.  I applaud them for strongly considering the viewers and who all is watching the news before they decide what or how much to show.  They also discussed about using their own personal judgement and using all different perspectives with the evolution of thought.  When they get a story and then receive the images it changes the way you write the story and view it.  Images are key in how we view the news.  Most importantly always get the facts.  Images are important and help make the story, but always confirm the facts.  

One of the questions asked to one of the anchors was, What is the most difficult ethical challenge they have faced? They taught us that when doing certain stories on race or touchy subjects such as death penalty, for example, 
1. You must always cover both sides of the story
2. You have to know your audience.  
3. Tell the story fairly and theres always a fine line when it comes to not being biased. You must but your own opinions and emotion aside. 
4. Always report what you know. 

I feel like I took away a lot of good advice from hearing the panel of directors and anchors talk and discuss their own personal experiences in the newsroom.  

Thats all she wrote- Rayven Boone 

Friday, October 10, 2014



Dr. Kirk came and spoke to my blogging class about his blog "OKIE FUNK."  He is a blogger from Oklahoma I believe and has worked for the Oklahoma, Tulsa Tribune, and the Kansas City Star.  He started his two blogs Blue Oklahoma and OKIE FUNK in 2004.  He started his blogs because he felt like more Liberal voices needed to be here in Oklahoma since we are a mainly red state and religious subjects sparked his interests. After starting "OKIE FUNK" he instantly got between 15-20k hits.  He blogs about 2-3 times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  Hochenauer says " The more you blog the more hits you get".   He does not get paid money for his blogs but says he receives personal satisfaction and influence from blogging.   "Blogging centers me, it's a habit, and it gives me time to get my thoughts together".

Interesting Facts:
 1.Hochenauer started the first ever blogging class here at UCO while teaching in the English department in 2006. 
2.  In 2004 he wrote an article about UCO's campus, (one of his first blog posts) and got 75 comments within seconds.  

Hochenauer taught us many things in just a short amount of time.  He taught us that good writing is key to what makes a good blog.  You can only get good at writing with practice and improvement.  Always focus on the writing, and make notes.  He also says its good to do research before you blog on your subjects.  Look for facts and opinions.  He also taught us that with blogging you do not ha

Thats all she wrote - Rayven Boone

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Haunted Houses That Will Make You "Jump" Into The Halloween Spirit

Some of Oklahoma's best haunted attractions that will leave you scared out of your mind!!!

 Trail of Fears Haunted Scream Park- Lawton, OK

I've been to this attraction and its oh so good! I'm easily a scary cat myself, but I attended with my junior college ambassador group and this place had everyone freaking out! I believe there are four different parts all located at Trail of Fears.  I would definitely go back and plan too this year.  If you into Halloween and attractions like this, you will love it! 

The Sanctuary- OKC

Located near Chesapeake Energy Arena in Bricktown.  I waited in line the day after Halloween, the last day of the haunted house, for 4 hours.  I honestly don't think it was worth the wait but everyone else I went with sure thought it was. Don't get me wrong it certainly scared the snot out of me and I would definitely go back, but I'm a weenie and it was too cold to wait outside for that long with no warm jacket! They also had fire breathers for entertainment while we waited in law.  A cool thing about the Sanctuary is while you waiting in line they show millions of clips from scary movies, so its like you're watching a movie while you're waiting to go in! 

Nightmare in the Country - Woodward, OK

If you're brave enough to go out in the country all alone after dark then go to Nightmare In the Country in Woodward.  Take a walk through the Miser's Mine of Misery.  Also check out the Haunted Barn for plenty of bone chilling excitement.  (I personally haven't gone to this one because it is too far of a drive for me)

Hex House - Tulsa, OK 

The original Hex House is legend to being known for the 1944 investigation.  It was known for a case on an old casket discovery.  It was then recently turned into a haunted house attraction filled with darkness and frightening sites.  Prepared to be scared if you attend.  (My friends who live in Stillwater attended the Hex House last year and were scared out of their minds!)  

These are just a few ones I've heard of! Don't forget about Fright Fest at Frontier City, in OKC this year as well!  I have never been personally but always have heard of  people going and talking about it!  Happy Month of Fall and happy soon to be Halloween!

That's all she wrote-  Rayven Boone